lawrenz law office - Rechtsanwalt Lawrenz
lawrenz law office - Rechtsanwalt Lawrenz 

Your Lawyer in Berlin-Pankow. Legal Advice in English.

Lawrenz Law Office Niederschönhausen - Rechtsanwalt Florian Lawrenz
- German Lawyer (German and EU-law):


We have focused our activities and interests exclusively on certain areas of tenancy law ("Mietrecht") and employment law ("Arbeitsrecht") and offer exclusive legal support in these areas. Our goal is to provide you with an effective and customized solution tailored to your needs.


In order to ensure the best possible quality of client service, we have decided to offer only the following legal services:


 Tenancy law:

-Termination, rental termination agreement and eviction action for tenants and/or landlords


-"Mietpreisbremse" § 556d BGB (rent control law)


-Advice to landlords


 Employment Law:

-Termination / action for protection against unfair dismissal and termination agreement



Rufen Sie einfach an unter 

Telefon:+49 (0) 30 47488806




Fax: +49 (0) 30 47487222


oder nutzen Sie unser Kontaktformular.

Termine nur nach Vereinbarung!


Lawrenz law office -

Rechtsanwalt Lawrenz
Kuckhoffstr. 54a
13156 Berlin


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ÖPNV: Tram M1, Bus 150, 250. Haltestelle: Hermann-Hesse-Str./Waldstr. oder
Am Iderfenngraben

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